Sense & Centsibility Blog

America Saves Week is 2/22-2/27!

Share Your Savings Goal and Win the #imsavingfor Contest

To celebrate America Saves Week, America Saves is launching the #imsavingfor contest. It’s easy to enter. Just share a picture of you and what you are saving for and then enter to win $500 at

Get creative with your pictures!

  • You can take a picture in front of the item your savings for –like a new car or house
  • Photoshop yourself with your goal – like a trip to the Grand Canyon or Mount Rushmore
  • You can even use a photo app to add a caption to your picture

How to enter:

  • Share a picture of what you’re saving for to your favorite social media platform (Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, LinkedIn, Tumblr) using #imsavingfor
  • Enter to win at

Bonus chance to win:
Only one entry per person, but you can get an extra 3 entries by taking the next step in saving and completing the America Saves Pledge. After you enter, look for an email with your bonus opportunity information.

The contest runs from January 20 – March 7. America Saves will pick one entry at random on March 9 and contact them by email.Click here for the full official rules.

LSS Financial Counseling is here to help you achieve your financial goals. And savings plays a HUGE role in being financially successful.

For more ideas to help you build up savings, read: 6 Steps to Build Up Your Emergency Fund and 7 Money Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Return.